145 – 737 Digital Marketing Flight Plan

In this episode of the ProfitEngines podcast, Matt explains how a digital marketing flight plan can maximize your ROI. Using social profiles and your website to obtain leads, analyze real-time data & deliver results.

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August 26, 2020

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MATT COFFY: So we’re going to talk about the 737 plan. All right. So the best way I’ve been able to explain our content model has been to explain it as a looking at it as an airplane and thinking about the content as passengers. And that we say 737 because our goal is to get out 300 pieces of content per month. So we have different flight plans. Different planes. We have a 737, 747, 757, 300 pieces, 400 pieces of 500 pieces of content. But anyways, so it gets more extensive as you move up. But the goal is to think about this in a productive way as a flight plan. And that your general strategy is to take your first class content up here at the top. If you can see my pointer, you put your first-class content upfront.

MATT COFFY: And usually we do somewhere between four to seven main head-end pieces of content per month. And those are typically if we can do them we do, not long-form but mid-form video content. Basically a 10-minute to 30-minute video on a topic. As I showed you before we have other doctors who will just basically can give us some content or we use written content that we then turn into short-form content. But most of the time, what we’re trying to do in this particular case is get the doctor’s face personality engaged into social. So really our 737 flight plan is based off of getting again, iPhone content or some sort of major piece of content that we can put up as a post on the website is our goal is to take people from social who are searching or who are in the feed, get them to see a post of interest, get them to click on the link, and that to get them to come back to the site tool landing page.

MATT COFFY: But the landing page is literally a piece of content with calls to action on the page. And the reason why we’re doing this, and this is why I was trying to explain how this all works together, is that it improves SEO because it brings traffic back to the website naturally and paid traffic naturally back to the website by cycling it through. But more importantly, is that we’re getting time-on-site built because once people get to the landing page or the blog pages, we might want a cat or a podcast page. In my case, they tend to go to another page and they look for other things and they stand on the site. So they might come in through social either naturally or through a paid ad, but then they put time-on-site and Google likes to see time on site, whether it comes from natural and not because they’re actually counting clicks on the website.

MATT COFFY: Now we’ve gotten through the first phase of this. So just spend two more minutes with me and I’ll get through the rest of it. The flight plan itself has those big head-end pieces of content. All right. So in our case, I’ll show you a big piece of content. So here’s, I did a quick little review with my ad guy on doing an idea of cost per leads in the pandemic. And so this 15-minute video just covered cost per lead per channel. And we have a transcription here and all the, you know, the whole thing’s sitting right here. So it’s basically a transcription of a little 10-minute video, but it’s got the call to action. You know, it’s got the shares, it’s got the content, you can download the content. But the point is is that we’re taking this piece of content, cutting it up and throwing it into the networks, right.

MATT COFFY: So if you think of this piece of content as that first-class piece of content for your flight plan, this flight plan allows us to now fill these first row seats with again, generally 10 to 15-minute content that we’re going to then split up. Okay. So now you’ll see there’s an engine one, engine two, tailwind, luggage, and passengers, right. So there’s some other things that are involved here. So we also want to look at the second level of content, which is the split content. So now we’ve got content that we’re taking pieces of it. So now you can see in our feed here, so I’ll go to the feed. We can see practically every couple of hours, every four or five hours, cause we’re a little bit stronger. We’re taking that content and then cutting it up into small slices. So here’s an example, similar to what I just showed you, you can see this as a one minute video and what it does is it talks.

BACKGROUND VIDEO: “Yeah. Okay. So this is a client who is in Manhattan, obviously known as a super…”

MATT COFFY: So again, we’re having a little one minute video here. So we’ve cut a section of that video up, right. So we’ve taken this video, we’ve cut it now into slices. And now we’re pushing these slices out into the network. So we’re basically taking the content now and go back to the airplane and we’re slicing it into different pieces, but usually, we’re taking one of the pieces of content and slicing it into five different sections. So we get basically five pieces of content out of one. So that’s your second layer of content. So there’s your sort of beginning, you can start to see how this has started to get together because now if we’ve got six major pieces of content, and then we were slicing five sections of that piece of content into edible pieces, we can then push that into the networks. So if you think about this and now here’s this one slice.

MATT COFFY: So then what we do is we run ads behind those pieces of content. So now you can see we’re putting a small budget behind these pieces of content. We’ve got $40 over the course of a couple of months and we’re getting an extremely large reach and impression count. We’ve got to almost 300,000 people we’re reaching or getting a half a million impressions for a couple of pennies a piece right. And then from link clicks back to the site. So obviously within framework of this we see, imagine that dah, dah, dah, you know, sales copy, then it goes back, watch the full podcast here. So they’re clicking on the, watch the full podcast or go to the full blog or go to the full piece of content and or however, the piece of content is derived. So that goes back to the website with a call to action on it.

MATT COFFY: Right. So look at all the link clicks. So we’re getting 2000 link clicks back to the website over the course of the last couple of months of all these people clicking on these one-minute snippets. So that’s the paid portion behind it. We usually put us again, you budget a portion. We budget a small portion on each actual piece that we put out, but mainly it’s been, an action based off of the scenario of each one of our customers what’s been working the best. So we can tell, when we look at this, we see this one’s got 68, this one’s got 5, so we’re getting a better whatever this one is. It has a much better pull through rate. Here’s one with 75. Here’s with 106 . So once we get the outliers, we take these posts and we double our efforts and we get a much better yield on our cost per result.

MATT COFFY: So we’re getting 106 clicks for 40 bucks back to the website. So it’s kind of a paid organic traffic, I guess you could say some weird way to put it, but I think you can get the idea. So then we’re taking now the next layer of the airplane is all the rest of these seats. So you can see all the rest of the seats and that’s sort of like the second layer. So here’s all your pieces of paid content that’s going out. And then we’re taking the posts and we’re cutting them up and putting them into Twitter, into Instagram, into Pinterest, and into all the other networks. So wherever we can find a spot where there’s a network, we will drop it in. And so that gets you out to getting to 15 pieces of content very quickly. If you can imagine you’re taking them this one minute piece of content from one of the major pieces of content, and then you’re sending it out in the network through different variants.

MATT COFFY: You end up pretty quickly with being able to produce 15 pieces of content per day because you’re getting into about seven different networks. And that’s why we typically find that if we can get the seven different major networks running within the framework of the customer, and that’s going to go back to this, but it’s GMB, YouTube has a major in-network, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and then we’re using Pinterest now because it’s got great adhesion. And sometimes we’re also using some of the other networks like LinkedIn, depending on the needs of the client, and Snapchat and Tiktok . So depending on where we find the customers is where we’re going to put the information. So you see engine number two here. So the engine number one was the paid advertising. Engine number two is all of the other organic. And then we’ve also got a tailwind here which is that a lot of this gets picked up naturally from SEO.

MATT COFFY: So you know these three engines paid ads, SEO, and the standard social media, organic traffic is getting pulled through by just being found. So you have to think about that from a perspective of what you were trying to accomplish. Now there’s two other things here which is that one, the content, obviously we pick our selections of content and the major topics when we start the plane type here is just the website and obviously the information about the client so that we understand the nomenclature. And then the passengers right here are all the networks we’re going to use and sub-networks. Again, you can do also groups within Facebook. You can do groups, LinkedIn, you can post to personal pages. There’s literally so many different passengers to post to. So you know, we try and get at least seven networks running. So that’s why we call it 737, which is that we attempt at least to get up to 7 major pieces of content, 300 posts, and then 7 different networks.

MATT COFFY: So that’s sort of our goal for 737, again, 747, 757 is just extending it. But mainly clients that we’re working with are doing 15 posts. So now where does this all go? So if you looked at the next two aspects, we have the runways. So the runway is typically the main calls to action. So we usually have three separate calls to action and one main call to action. And in this case, if you see for us, our main call to action is just “Need help? Get started now.” But we also have offers on the market. So behind all this. So when we start running strategy, we also, so now we building the audience as you build this through and you start running this content over months and months and months, you’re getting 500 impressions. You’re getting, you know, a quarter of a million reach.

MATT COFFY: You want to then run ads throughout that environment. So once you start to get your strategy built, you can either run the secondary offers. Let’s say for us, it would be “Get a free audit” for a secondary landing page, “Get a free 10 patients free for their first month.” If you started with us or even another landing page could be here’s your download guide to learn about, you know, X product. So in the case of a client, it might be, let’s just say, first thing you usually do as a pain assessment tool. If it’s a doctor or we’re doing a standard sort of consultation, free consultation, but the other landing pages could be booklets that would be procedures. You could have a secondary offer in the market that could be even some sort of other, like a free MRI review, or in the case of other folks, there could be a cash offer.

MATT COFFY: And there also could be another offer that we relate to access to something, access to beyond a free template, and book to talk about a particular procedure. It might be access to some other piece of content that would relate to the condition or the situation they’re trying to solve, or bulk of other testimonial type subjects. So we build all these homepage, runways, or landing page runways as the offers where again, if you looked at the particular case in this scenario, I’ll just click on the link and you can see it goes back to this particular landing page with this offer. The other strategy behind that is to run these landing pages as ads. Right. So you can, once you get enough reach, you can then run straight ads in Facebook, especially, and get traffic from the ads based off of the audience you’ve built.

MATT COFFY: So again, those are the variables. And again, they all go back to our ProfitEngines model where we’re bringing people through the drip campaigns. And again, that’s I guess you could say, that’s the hub, the airport, and/or in this case, the sales flight tower, it’s kind of interesting way to put it, but that’s kind of what it is. It is sort of managing the sales coming through. And of course, we have all this stuff into metrics. And so we have, we base metrics on phone calls, forms filled out, chat sessions, visits, average time on site. We could build any way people want to have it in the case of what we’re doing. You know we’ve built very simple new users, new leads, new bookings, new phone calls, right. So just simple stuff. And then a landing page, traction, bounce rates, average time on site.

MATT COFFY: So something very simple built-in data, Google data studio that can easily just be put onto a phone. Again, that’s the whole strategy with trying to, you know, kind of build a strategy for someone to easily go in at any point in time and be able to view their metrics. Right. So I think our concept has always been to leverage the assets that are out there that we can do that come from a client that we can cut up, put into our model, and then build a ton of traffic. So for us, what this has done, so I could get to the point, we see consistent leads every single day because someone has watched the video they’ve trickled around in our site. Their attribution goes back and forth between going to the website and going to a landing page and coming back to social to going back and they’ll come to Washington, they’ll say, you know what I’ve decided to on you guys because I feel most comfortable because I’ve seen so much content from you.

MATT COFFY: Now you’ve got to be knowing what you’re doing. And we see this all the time, and this is the same for the practitioners as well. And we’re seeing a lot of people start to use these models to build authority in the market space, to beat out their competitors. So when they’re starting to think about ranking themselves on a strategy around, “Hey how do we get better than our competitors?” Well, you have to build authority in the market and Google rewards you by building your rankings up naturally because of the traffic coming from all different spots and that people are naturally gravitating back to you. Once they’ve even come from a paid ad, they come back because they return in. And of course, all this stuff is tied into Google and Facebook Pixels. So we can retarget on both networks and cross-pollinate for sales efficiency. Hope this helps. That’s the 737 flight plan. 737 program. And it covers most of what you’d see in the strategy that we provide for clients and ourselves.